How to Become a Writer (tips and advice from a newbie writer)
First things first, this is just the tenth article I have published on Medium so do not expect big tips and professional advice. What I want to achieve with this blog post is just sharing some insights based on my brief experience of being a blogger and yes I know this is like ‘too soon.’ Read More...
Whom to blame for the cons of AI...
AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been a big deal for the last few decades. Its multifaceted benefits in almost every aspect of human activities, are undeniable and extraordinary. As everything in this world, AI has its own cons as well. Read More...
Productivity Hacks that worked for me
Ever since I got to college, I have been obsessed with productivity and this has made me look for a lot of tips and tricks all over the internet. I have seen tons of videos by productivity YouTubers like Ali Abdaal. Some of the tips I got from there have worked in my favor, but some always make me doubt my potential. Read More...
5 minus 2ish Years in College: Here's what I have learned...
It was at the end of 2017 that I have joined Addis Ababa University as an Information Systems student. What usually takes four years to finish the program, it took me more than five years to have my first degree (and I haven’t accomplished the program yet). Through my years at college, I have come across different kinds of people and even more attitudes. In this article, I aim to clarify some of the best insights I got from the time I spent at college. Read More...
What Should The Next Generation Be to Cope Up with The World?
Not too long ago, computers were the luxurious staff to have. A limited number of companies had them and there were not skilled men (women) to operate them. To be honest they were not that interesting things too because would you be cool with writing commands on a prompt and get outputs without artistic graphical user interfaces? Read More...
Behind The Fat or The Skinny Programmer
What do you picture when you think of a programmer? Let me guess! You are thinking either a very skinny slouching dork with a pair of glasses on the top of his eyes or a fat nerd who is spoiled with not calibrated amount of chocolate consumption. I am desperate enough to tell you that you guessed right but, I am also confident to say that may not be the case every time. Read More...